
Quick Overview

Just a quick overview on the rest of the winter veg.
The broad beans are coming along but still no pods setting even though I planted them later than last year and they're about 80cm high.
The garlic is going well. Some of the onions have have bolted to seed though. I removed the flower heads but according to Peter Cundall they're knackered once they've done this. I'll just wait and see.
And the broccoli have done their thing and gone to seed. I've pulled these out now to prepare the bed for this year's tomatoes.

Useful Weeds

Lots of weeds pop up over winter and into spring. Most are just a problem that needs to be dealt with but some have turned out to be welcome. Among the many problems i've had welcome cos lettuce and  red mustard. I've also had about a million wild rocket plants come up. At first I thought, "wow, what a great plant" but that soon changed to, "Wow, what a pain in the arse.", as they came up in every crack in every paving stone in the garden. At least the cos and mustard were a bit more localised.

Poor Spuds

My potatoes have been savaged by slugs. I was sick for about a week so didn't get out in the garden very often and in that time slugs emerged from the ooze and ate all my potatoes. Swine! I'll let them stuggle on until they die totally and see if any spuds have been produced.

Black Grevillea

My black flowered grevillea (Grevillea Crowleyea), has flowered for the first time. And the flowers really are black! Once they open up a bit they go a bit reddish but when they're new they're black. I'm pretty happy about this because most so called black flowers are really a sort of dark burgundy colour. It was discovered by an amateur naturalist Valma Crowley and her mate Janice Smith somewhere near Darken in WA. Good work guys.